Android : Introduction à Kotlin fr coding tutoriel android kotlin Macha Da Costa Le bruit des vagues, le sable fin, les pieds dans l’eau, le soleil sur la peau, ma vidéo sur l’introduction du langage Kotlin dans Android s’est réalisée dans ces conditions. Comments
Faire une requête HTTP GET avec Retrofit en Kotlin Android [AK 9 HTTPS] fr coding tutoriel android-serveur kotlin 5 December 2018 Macha Da Costa Ce tutoriel va te donner les clés pour faire une requête HTTPS GET au format JSON, en Android, avec la bibliothèque Retrofit V2, sous le langage Kotlin. Comments
Android References [AK 3 Developer Tools] en coding android kotlin 28 April 2023 Macha Da Costa There are so many Android resources out there, it’s hard to know the ones that are essential. Here are the best references I have selected in terms of: Libraries Open Source Projects Blogs Applications Influencers to Follow Groups Conferences Awesome List As an Android Developer, you have to know all these references. Comments
Android UI Cheatsheet [AK 4 Native UI] en coding android 6 December 2018 Macha Da Costa To create Native User Interface in Android, here are some UI elements ordered by category, with references. The aim of this post is to masterise the Android UI lingo, no matter if the UI is in Compose or in XML. Comments
Big Cookie Strategy en coding mobile Macha Da Costa This post is about the Big Cookie Strategy in particular the Big Cookie Model. The goal is to optimise exchange between a server and a mobile application. It has been elaborated based on real life study case, far away of perfect development context where connectivity is of very high quality. Comments